Tummy Time!

Brody lost a little bit of weight last night, but he needed to shed some of the fluid that built up when he was on the medicine for his heart. He is now 20 grams away from being two pounds, so it won't be long now. His milk is being fortified with 24 calories and he is now up to 11 mL feedings every three hours. They keep increasing the amount, so by tomorrow night he will be at 14 mL and then they are going to stop for a while so he doesn't retain more fluid. That touch of pneumonia they thought was starting was determined to be an artifact; meaning there was something on the outside of his chest when they took the x-ray (maybe a lead for a wire) and it made the lung look cloudy. There is another chest x-ray scheduled for tomorrow, so we'll make sure it is gone at that time. The heart murmur continues to be very faint. He is on an antibiotic because there was bacteria found in the mucus they suctioned out of him. They are culturing it now to make sure it isn't an infection. The doctor explained that bacteria live in the body, so finding it doesn't always indicate an infection; but if it grows in the culture they need to treat it as an infection.
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