Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24th

Brody is getting to be a big boy and now weighs 4 lbs., 10 oz. He was able to ween from 4 liters on the cannula to 3 liters. He is eating 36 mL every three hours. Mommy went back to work and misses Brody very much.

So, you know the stories about Brody's blowouts. Well, he has gotten several new isolettes since he has been back in St. Cloud, the most recent one being today. The nurse put him on the scale while she cleaned his isolette and he exploded all over the computer! She had to call housekeeping. Things in the drawers had to be thrown out. Oh, Brody, you know how to keep us entertained. You get this all out now before we bring you home! Mom and Dad have learned to keep the diaper on you, though.

1 comment:

  1. Nickname? - B-O-B (Blow Out Brody)
    Most babies triple their birth weight at 1 year. Brody will have them all beat!!!!
