Saturday, February 16, 2013

Brody continued to do very well today. His oxygen saturations stayed in the 90's and his blood gases were good.  They weaned the nitric a little and the vent settings a little, but they don't want to push him too hard in this state so they are going to leave the settings alone for the night.  They might start feeding him tomorrow.  The day doctor is keeping him moving along, so I speculate he will continue to wean the vent tomorrow.  Brody continued to be interactive today and we saw a few tears from him.  The nurse speculates it is emotion, not pain, due to the timing of us talking to him and then seeing the tears. But she says that he will not remember it.  I wish they would roll up a bed for me so I can sleep next to him and hold his hand, but I can keep wishing on that one.  There are too many needs to get at him from both sides, so I would be in the way.  But it would be nice.  When he gets the tube out, I am going to hold him forever.


  1. Continuing to pray for all of you!!!

  2. Following your journey and praying over here on the West Coast! Is there a FB page for Brody?
