Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ugh. Trying to do this on my phone really stinks. I was trying to finish the last post but the phone keeps moving the cursor all over the place. I was trying to say the doctors said the xrays don't always show the whole picture of what is going on inside the body. We asked what we can do to prevent aspiration in the future, like is there anything they can do to suck it back out or get him started on antibiotics right away? He said no, that this really was a fluke thing and the circumstances we all there; I.e. bad lungs, illness, aspiration. We are supposed to be taking him back to speech therapy for eating, and we plan to see about a swallow study because he does seem to choke on his juice quite a bit and he isn't chewing up his fgood like he should be. We got a referral for that at the NICU follow up clinic the week before all this happened.


  1. So glad to hear Brody is getting better. I was (and still am) afraid of the boys aspirating - that is why they both sleep with us. I know that sounds weird, but it's peace of mind for least for now, once they get bigger they will be back in their own beds. Nolan had the swallow study when he was in the Special Care Nursery - he choked while I was giving him his bottle - not a fun sight to see! Hope all continues to go in the right direction. Prayers to you all and hang in there.

  2. Hey Stacy, that doesn't sound weird. I myself am left wondering how to make sure this doesn't happen again. With all his coughing and choking with juice and stuff I wonder if he hasn't been doing this for a while and this was a bad one. I guess we'll need to talk to speech therapy and see what is going on.
