Sunday, December 30, 2012

Brody on his new trike from Papa and Grandma at Christmas.  He can't reach the pedals yet, but he is constantly climbing on and trying it out.  He also enjoys his learning puppy from the Mulhollands and his See'N'Say from Chris, Trista, Natalie, and Collin.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is Brody up to?

31 inches and 22 pounds!  At 20 months, he is walking and running, saying "Ki" for kitty, "uh oh", and sometimes blurts out words.  He understands everything we are saying, but doesn't really say many words yet.  This morning for breakfast he got syrup in his hair and I said "Brody, are we going to need to give you a bath?" He shook his head yes and said "bubbles!".  Brody has been running a fever since Wednesday night, we think he is teething.  Just in case, I took him to the doctor yesterday and made sure there was no ear infection or anything else.  He wasn't wheezing but he was breathing harder than normal, so they did a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia.  The results were good, nothing wrong.  So we'll continue with his nebulizers and hope he gets over this one soon.  As you can see by the picture below, he is acting normal.  Just more clingy than normal and crying more than usual.

We went to Kohl's today to get our big boy some big boy boots and shoes.  There were some good deals going on, although we didn't brave the black Friday sale, we went Saturday instead.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

Brody was the Itsy Bitsy Spider for Halloween this year.  We went to Aunt Shelly and Uncle Duane's on Saturday. a Halloween Party at the Eagle's Club with Katie, Brooke, and Avery on Sunday, and Trick-Or-Treated in Albertville on Wednesday.  Brody likes chocolate!


Monday, October 15, 2012


Here is Brody in his new pajamas.  Nope, not his Halloween costume!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Guess What, Guys?

Brody is on the chart! The growth chart, that is.  We went to his 18 month well child check-up today.  He weighs 20.5 pounds and is 30.5 inches tall.  He is in the 7th percentile for weight and the 4th percentile for height.  They don't look at adjusted age any more, so this is compared to kids his actual age.  He dodged his shots today because he was wheezing.  We need to increase his albuterol and give him the oral steroids to help his breathing.  We will go back on October 1st for his shots.

Brody is loving to put shoes on his hands and crawl around these days.  He climbs the fireplace with them on.  We need to watch him close because he is quite clumsy that way!

Camping! Itasca State Park

We went camping last weekend to our favorite place, Itasca State Park.  It was beautiful weather.  Brody crossed the Mississippi River Headwaters for the first time.

 The leaves were falling down and the kids were having so much fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thoughts of Today

What I love most about being a parent is the little things; the "signature" our child leaves in our home that wasn't here before he was born...
  Little things that look like absolutely nothing to other people, but make a significant impact on me when I walk through that door...
Today, I had a rare hour between work and going to pick up Brody, so I decided to go home and see what I could get done on my school work.  I just had to pause to take this picture and post it on my blog.  Yesterday, Brody got into the kitchen cupboards and took out my wooden salad bowl set.  He was playing with them, and when he went to bed last night I picked them up and stacked them neatly in the corner. Well, apparently this morning he was busy again because here is the scene.  On the rug is a small bowl with a little clump of grass/dirt/junk he found on the floor.
Around the corner is more of the salad bowl set, one bowl inside the other, teething toy placed inside.  I still haven't come across the other two bowls of the set, but I am sure they will show up in some funny, odd place.  Maybe in a not-so-funny place, under my foot somewhere, when I will twist my ankle and swear inside my head a little.  
These are simple thoughts, yet as a Mom, I smile from ear to ear picturing him playing this morning.  No school work is getting done this afternoon, but oh well.  I am savoring this moment in this quiet house doing nothing except sharing my thoughts on this blog.  Soon enough, he will be home; making a mess and lots of noise.  And I will be smiling and thanking God that he is here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

We've had a busy summer and haven't posted much lately, but it is time to update the blog!  Here are some happenings from the past month.

The Fourth of July was on a Wednesday this year, sort of a bummer to have one day off in the middle of the week versus a long weekend, but glad to have a day off anyway!  It was about 100 degrees and Brody had a great time floating in the lake at Roger and Anne's!
 We are taking Brody to speech therapy twice a week to help him transition from baby food to solids.  He gags and throws up often while eating solids. The therapist recommended letting him get dirty, so here we are...
Grandpa Kenny and his Brody Boy.

Everything goes in the mouth right now, including rocks.  Nummy.

He's just getting so big.  He's pulling himself up and walking along furniture.  He'll let go for a couple of seconds before grabbing on again.  It won't be long for his first steps!

He was sick for a week with a virus and was in the hospital from a Thursday through a Tuesday.  He had a high fever, wasn't eating, cough, and was laying around (not himself).  His oxygen saturations were in the high 80s to low 90s, so he was sent home on oxygen again for a while.  We have a follow up with his pediatrician on Tuesday and a visit to the lung specialist in Minneapolis at the end of August. 

Mom caught what Brody had and is laid up also.  It is a pretty bad virus with an extreme sore throat I wouldn't wish on anybody.