Thursday, May 31, 2012

Brody Stories

Brody climbed the stairs all by himself today (with Mom right behind him).

14 steps is a lot for a 29 inch tall person

Then he crawled straight into the bathroom to play with the vanity drawer, proceeded back into the hallway to play with Daddy's hat, crawled into Mom and Dad's bedroom and checked himself out in the mirror.

Baby Brody is growing up so fast.  But he's still small enough to fit in here...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brody's First Camping Trip

This Memorial Day weekend, we went camping in Staples at Dower Lake.  Brody had a lot of fun!

Playing in the Jump-A-Roo

Pulling himself up in his Pack-n-Play
Having fun with the girls

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No more oxygen! (During the day)

We are able to remove the oxygen for Brody during the day.  We are putting it back on at night, but we are monitoring his saturations and will re-evaluate with the lung specialist in a week.  Now that he is not "tethered", he has no limits.  He is crawling all around.  He is trying to climb the steps and gets into the pet food.  He picks up every little speck, fuzz, dirt, and anything else from the floor.  He is discovering new foods, although he still gags on most solids.  We are sticking to the puffs and Cheerios, mostly.  He ate some watermelon yesterday, loves little tastes of ice cream from Daddy and mashed potatoes.  Every once in a while, he will say "Mom", but we aren't sure he knows what it means.  He likes to growl and has recently been repeating "ROAR!" when we say it.  He likes to rub noses as a way of snuggling, but he isn't much of a cuddler any more.  When he gets really tired he will still snuggle, but those days are coming to an end.  He loves to go, go, and go!

Just today, he decided to wear his hat and sunglasses.  Normally he pulls them off immediately when we try to put them on.  Russ took him for a walk in the stroller and he fell asleep.

And here's a picture of Mr. Handsome in his suit for Kari's wedding.

And, its kinda blurry, but here he is with his watermelon.