Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 Weeks Old!

Today, Brody is 4 weeks old! In some ways, it seems like a very long time, but on the same token we can't believe it has been four weeks already.

The doctor said the progression of his lung problem has plateaued. It will stay the same for a while, not sure how long, and then start to heal. It was still ramping up earlier in the week, so this is good news.

Poor Dad has been taking the brunt of Brody's spit ups. He was thrown up on twice on Friday night and once today. Mom has been lucky to avoid this so far, but she is bound to get it one of these days. We think he is spitting up because of the new things they are doing to fortify the milk and his tummy is not used to it yet.

Brody had his first photography session today. The March of Dimes sponsors a free session for NICU babies. Since he is intubated, the photographer was very limited in what she could do. Even though there weren't many poses, we can't wait to see the pictures! We will share them as soon as we get them.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blessing that he is moving forward so well! I will continue to keep you and your sweet little babe in my prayers :)
