Brody is getting better every day. His incision is healing nicely and Mom got to hold him last night. His oxygen needs are varied and it is a challenge right now to find the best ventilator settings. The trick is to get him to do as much of the work on his own as he can tolerate, but still give him the breathing support he needs. He got a bigger breathing tube last night because the old one became too small for his airway and air was leaking out around the tube.
His heart, brain, bowels, kidneys and other organ systems are working well. Now, the lungs need to get better. He had his first eye exam yesterday and his eyes are a-okay!! There will be a follow up in two weeks.
He started eating yesterday! We are starting slow, with 3 mL every three hours and he is tolerating it really well so far. The doctors haven't done rounds on him yet this morning, but we assume it will be increased today.
We added pictures to the posts called "April 22nd" and "Surgery".
Glad to hear things are going well. Thanks for the update. I continue to pray for you daily. Jessica