Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, April 2nd

Sprawled out in my tanning bed...

The ibuprofen did not change Brody's PDA. The doctor decided not to give another dose of ibuprofen because the first one is affecting his kidney function (he isn't peeing very much today). They are treating the kidney problem by "flushing" him with fluids. They are giving him fluids through his PICC line and then they will follow with a diuretic to help him pee it out. We will hear more about his PDA in the coming days. If it doesn't close on its own we may need to go to the cities for a procedure. Please pray for Brody that this vessel will close on its own.

Today, Brody weighs 2 lbs., 2.2 oz. He is eating again, 9 mL per feeding. The nurses just started fortifying his milk again to give it a calorie boost, from 20 to 22 calories per ounce. They will continue to add a calorie powder over the next several days to eventually get it to 26 calories. They turned down his ventilator a little bit this afternoon, so we'll see how he does with that. It is good news to be weening down on the ventilator support.


  1. The Youngdahl Family is praying every day for you guys. Love Wayne, Jenni, Bradyn, Trent & Cooper

  2. I will pray for him. He is cute. I will think of him at March for Babies on Sat.
